StudentNews Mathematics
University of Amsterdam
StudentNews Mathematics | View this e-mail online
Masters Mathematics, Stochastics and Financial Mathematics & Mathematical Physics
The end of the academic year The end of the academic year
The end of the academic year is now quickly approaching! We hope you have had an inspiring year in which you have learned interesting new mathematics. The second semester of the second year of the master programme is entirely devoted to the master project. This means that at the end of the first semester it is time to decide about the topic of your master project, and who will be your project supervisor (a staff member of the Korteweg-de Vries Institute).

We advise you to talk to staff members about possible master project topics already during the first semester. For examples of projects please have a look here. If you have any concerns about the the second year of the study programme, please do not hesitate to contact the study coordinator or study advisor. We wish you a good summer vacation!
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New members OC Mathematics
The programme committee (OC) Mathematics is looking for new Mathematics and SFM student members. Read more & apply

Would you like to become one of the new members of the Programme Committee Mathematics? Send a short motivation to Sven Wortel and Joris Peters.

New members OC Mathematics
You will all know the NSA as a place where to get cheap beer and snacks. However it is more than just that. Companies and start-ups approach the NSA looking for talented students. Check our Facebook group, activity calendar and website regularly for all our lectures, drinks and network festivities. Read more
Re-enrol now for the 2018-2019 academic year to register for first-semester courses
Arrange your re-enrolment and pay your tuition fees no later than 31 August. You can only register for first-semester courses if you have submitted a re-enrolment application. Read more
Re-enrol now for the 2018-2019 academic year to register for first-semester courses
UvA-students presented research in optimisation algorithms
UvA-students presented research in optimisation algorithms
Romi Geleijn, Marrit van der Meer, Quinten van der Post, Reitze Jansen, Yannick Vinkesteijn and Wouter Vrielink, UvA-bachelorstudents from the Minor Programmeren and the bachelor BètaGamma, presented the results of their scientific research during the EGL’2018 Workshop on Optimisation, Applied and Numerical Mathematics in Great Britain. Read more
UvA students win National Interuniversity Mathematical Olympiad 2018
The UvA team ‘Mückenheim Transfinity’ has won the 14th edition of the National Interuniversity Mathematical Olympiad (LIMO). The team of the University of Amsterdam consisted of Mike Daas, Wouter Rienks, Siebe Verheijen and Koen Doodeman, students of the Bachelor's programme Mathematics. It is the first time that a team of the UvA wins the LIMO. Read more
UvA students win National Interuniversity Mathematical Olympiad 2018
Protest events: discussion opens up many possibilities
Following the March for Education, the Executive Board spoke with signatories of the ‘letter of solidarity’ and invited protesting students for talks. Read more
29 June, Amsterdam Science Park, 17:00 - 3:00
Flux Festival
On 29 June we celebrate the summer together during FluxFest. Imagine DJs and dancing. BBQ, beachvolleyball and a sunny terrace. And everything is for free, except for the barbecue. Will we meet you there?

This email has been sent on behalf of the Masters Mathematics, Stochastics and Financial Mathematics & Mathematical Physics.